Aircraft-Computational.com is here to help you get started in 3D Mechanical CAD (MCAD)
with Alibre Design: The High value yet Low Cost 3D Parametric CAD, by giving you access
to Free Trials, and Free tutorials - Yes - FREE Tutorials for new users of Alibre Design and
3D MCAD in general.
As you expand your 3D MCAD experience, don't forget to test your ideas first
with Graficalc, the worlds First Pre-Engineering Tool for "What If" Engineering, followed by
it's partners - Section Calc, and Tolerance Calc.
Alibre Design Allows you to work alone or as
part of a Team, Sharing Data, Getting online near instant help from the Alibre Assistant.
Combined - these Tools will help you win more business faster, and deliver better end products!
Alibre Design Tutorials
A Small but growing selection of tutorials that lead you from setup,
to completion of a project in Alibre Design.
These are utilizing both text, and screen captures that are anotated, to convey
exactly what you need to do. Those currenly available are targeted for totaly new users
of 3D CAD and of Alibre Design.
3D Printing Subcontracting
Creating 3D Physical Models from your .stl files.
Any part or assembly with a Volume area that fits within a bed space of
8" x 10" - with a Max Depth of 8" can be handled now.
Alibre Design 26
Direct link to Alibre, Inc.'s web site for complete information
and the latest news on Alibre Design.
InventBetter Suite 2005
Next generation engineering solvers:
Graficalc, Section Calc, and Tolerance Calc;
the most efficent way to take the 'Error' out
of 'Trial and Error' in your new designs!
Get your copy today!
PTC Library files work
Direct Links to PTC's part library - with links to vendore who supply
digital part files that will work with Alibre Design.
Trailer Builder goes 3D
Learn how Rick Stephens of Croft Trailer Supply
came to choose Alibre Design Professional CAD,
Saving staff time and money along the way.
Innovative Engineering Software
For just about long as computers have been used,
engineers have had help with their daily tasks from programs that assisted
them with a wide range of problems.